Use Helm to Run the Analysis Engine on Kubernetes

Use Helm to Run the Analysis Engine on Kubernetes

This guide outlines how to use helm to deploy and manage the Analysis Engine (AE) on kubernetes (tested on 1.13.3).

It requires the following steps are done before getting started:

  1. Access to a running Kubernetes cluster
  2. Helm is installed
  3. A valid account for IEX Cloud
  4. A valid account for Tradier
  5. Optional - Install Ceph Cluster for Persistent Storage Support
  6. Optional - Install the Stock Analysis Engine for Local Development Outside of Kubernetes

Getting Started

AE builds multiple helm charts that are hosted on a local helm repository, and everything runs within the ae kubernetes namespace.

Please change to the ./helm directory:

cd helm

Build Charts

This will build all the AE charts, download stable/redis and stable/minio, and ensure the local helm server is running:



Each AE chart supports attributes for connecting to a:

  1. Private Docker Registry
  2. Redis
  3. S3 (Minio or AWS)
  4. IEX Cloud
  5. Tradier
  6. Jupyter
  7. Nginx Ingress

Depending on your environment, these services may require you to edit the associated helm chart’s values.yaml file(s) before starting everything with the script to deploy AE.

Below are some of the common integration questions on how to configure each one (hopefully) for your environment:

Configure Redis

The script installs the stable/redis chart with the included ./redis/values.yaml for configuring as needed before the start script boots up the included Bitnami Redis cluster

Configure Minio

The script installs the stable/minio chart with the included ./minio/values.yaml for configuring as needed before the start script boots up the included Minio

Configure AE Stack

Each of the AE charts can be configured prior to running the stack’s core AE chart found in:


Configure the AE Backup to AWS S3 Job

Please set your AWS credentials (which will be installed as kubernetes secrets) in the file:


Configure Data Collection Jobs

Data collection is broken up into three categories of jobs: intraday, daily and weekly data to collect. Intraday data collection is built to be fast and pull data that changes often vs weekly data that is mostly static and expensive for IEX Cloud users. These chart jobs are intended to be used with cron jobs that fire work into the AE workers which compress + cache the pricing data for algorithms and backtesting.

  1. Set your IEX Cloud account up in each chart:

    1. ae-intraday
    2. ae-daily
    3. ae-weekly

    Supported IEX Cloud Attributes

    # IEX Cloud
      addToSecrets: true
      secretName: ae.k8.iex.<intraday|daily|weekly>
      # Publishable Token:
      token: ""
      # Secret Token:
      secretToken: ""
      apiVersion: beta
  2. Set your Tradier account up in each chart:

    1. ae-intraday
    2. ae-daily
    3. ae-weekly

    Supported Tradier Attributes

    # Tradier
      addToSecrets: true
      secretName: ae.k8.tradier.<intraday|daily|weekly>
      token: ""
  3. ae-intraday

    • Set the intraday.tickers to a comma-delimited list of tickers to pull per minute.
  4. ae-daily

    • Set the daily.tickers to a comma-delimited list of tickers to pull at the end of each trading day.
  5. ae-weekly

    • Set the weekly.tickers to a comma-delimited list of tickers to pull every week. This is used for pulling “quota-expensive” data that does not change often like IEX Financials or Earnings data every week.

Set Jupyter Login Credentials

Please set your Jupyter login password that works with a browser:

  password: admin

View Jupyter

By default, Jupyter is hosted with nginx-ingress with TLS encryption at:

Default login password is:

  • password: admin

View Minio

By default, Minio is hosted with nginx-ingress with TLS encryption at:

Default login credentials are:

  • Access Key: trexaccesskey
  • Secret Key: trex123321

Optional - Set Default Storage Class

The AE pods are using a Distributed Ceph Cluster for persistenting data outside kubernetes with ~300 GB of disk space.

To set your kubernetes cluster StorageClass to use the ceph-rbd use the script:

./ ceph-rbd

Optional - Set the Charts to Pull from a Private Docker Registry

By default the AE charts use the Stock Analysis Engine container, and here is how to set up each AE component chart to use a private docker image in a private docker registry (for building your own algos in-house).

Each of the AE charts values.yaml files contain two required sections for deploying from a private docker registry.

  1. Set the Private Docker Registry Authentication values in each chart

    Please set the registry address, secret name and docker config json for authentication using this format.


    The imagePullSecrets attribute uses a naming convention format: <base key>.<component name>. The base is ae.docker.creds. and the approach allows different docker images for each component (for testing) like intraday data collection vs running a backup job or even hosting jupyter.

    Supported Private Docker Registry Authentication Attributes

      addToSecrets: true
      address: <FQDN to docker registry>:<PORT registry uses a default port 5000>
      imagePullSecrets: ae.docker.creds.<core|backtester|backup|intraday|daily|weekly|jupyter>
      dockerConfigJSON: '{"auths":{"<FQDN>:<PORT>":{"Username":"username","Password":"password","Email":""}}}'
  2. Set the AE Component’s docker image name, tag, pullPolicy and private flag

    Please set the registry address, secret name and docker config json for authentication using this format.

    Supported Private Docker Image Attributes per AE Component

      private: true
      tag: latest
      pullPolicy: Always

Start Stack

This command can take a few minutes to download and start all the components:


Manually Starting Components With Helm

If you do not want to use you can start the charts with helm using:

Start the AE Stack

helm install \
    --name=ae \
    ./ae \
    --namespace=ae \
    -f ./ae/values.yaml

Start Redis

helm install \
    --name=ae-redis \
    stable/redis \
    --namespace=ae \
    -f ./redis/values.yaml

Start Minio

helm install \
    --name=ae-minio \
    stable/minio \
    --namespace=ae \
    -f ./minio/values.yaml

Start Jupyter

helm install \
    --name=ae-jupyter \
    ./ae-jupyter \
    --namespace=ae \
    -f ./ae-jupyter/values.yaml

Start Backup Job

helm install \
    --name=ae-backup \
    ./ae-backup \
    --namespace=ae \
    -f ./ae-backup/values.yaml

Start Intraday Data Collection Job

helm install \
    --name=ae-intraday \
    ./ae-intraday \
    --namespace=ae \
    -f ./ae-intraday/values.yaml

Start Daily Data Collection Job

helm install \
    --name=ae-daily \
    ./ae-daily \
    --namespace=ae \
    -f ./ae-daily/values.yaml

Start Weekly Data Collection Job

helm install \
    --name=ae-weekly \
    ./ae-weekly \
    --namespace=ae \
    -f ./ae-weekly/values.yaml

Verify Pods are Running

getting pods in ae:
kubectl get pods -n ae
NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
ae-minio-55d56cf646-87znm         1/1     Running   0          3h30m
ae-redis-master-0                 1/1     Running   0          3h30m
ae-redis-slave-68fd99b688-sn875   1/1     Running   0          3h30m
backtester-5c9687c645-n6mmr       1/1     Running   0          4m22s
engine-6bc677fc8f-8c65v           1/1     Running   0          4m22s
engine-6bc677fc8f-mdmcw           1/1     Running   0          4m22s
jupyter-64cf988d59-7s7hs          1/1     Running   0          4m21s

Run Intraday Pricing Data Collection

Once your ae-intraday/values.yaml is ready, you can automate intraday data collection by using the helper script to start the helm release for ae-intraday:


And for a cron job, include the -r argument to ensure the job is recreated.


View Collected Pricing Data in Redis

After data collection, you can view compressed data for a ticker within the redis cluster with:


Run Daily Pricing Data Collection

Once your ae-daily/values.yaml is ready, you can automate daily data collection by using the helper script to start the helm release for ae-daily:


And for a cron job, include the -r argument to ensure the job is recreated.


Run Weekly Pricing Data Collection

Once your ae-weekly/values.yaml is ready, you can automate weekly data collection by using the helper script to start the helm release for ae-weekly:


And for a cron job, include the -r argument to ensure the job is recreated.


Run Backup Collected Pricing Data to AWS

Once your ae-backup/values.yaml is ready, you can automate backing up your collected + compressed pricing data from within the redis cluster and publish it to AWS S3 with the helper script:


Please remember AWS S3 has usage costs. Please set only the tickers you need to backup before running the ae-backup job.


And for a cron job, include the -r argument to ensure the job is recreated.


Cron Automation with Helm

Add the lines below to your cron with crontab -e for automating pricing data collection. All cron jobs using log to: /tmp/cron-ae.log.


This will pull data on holidays or closed trading days, but PR’s welcomed!


Pull pricing data every minute M-F between 9 AM and 5 PM (assuming system time is EST)

# intraday job:
# min hour day  month dayofweek job script path              job    KUBECONFIG
*     9-17 *    *     1,2,3,4,5 /opt/sa/helm/cron/ intra  /opt/k8/config


Pull only on Friday at 6:01 PM (assuming system time is EST)

# daily job:
# min hour day  month dayofweek job script path              job   KUBECONFIG
1     18   *    *     1,2,3,4,5 /opt/sa/helm/cron/ daily /opt/k8/config


Pull only on Friday at 7:01 PM (assuming system time is EST)

# weekly job:
# min hour day  month dayofweek job script path              job    KUBECONFIG
1     19   *    *     5         /opt/sa/helm/cron/ weekly /opt/k8/config


Run Friday at 8:01 PM (assuming system time is EST)

# backup job:
# min hour day  month dayofweek job script path              job    KUBECONFIG
1     20   *    *     1,2,3,4,5 /opt/sa/helm/cron/ backup /opt/k8/config

Restore on Reboot

Restore Latest Backup from S3 to Redis on a server reboot.

# restore job:
# on a server reboot (assuming your k8 cluster is running on just 1 host)
@reboot /opt/sa/helm/cron/ restore /opt/k8/config

Monitoring Kubernetes with Prometheus and Grafana using Helm

Deploy Prometheus and Grafana to monitor your kubernetes cluster with support for granular monitoring like for total Redis keys with the command:


Recreate Prometheus and Grafana:

./ -r


Access Grafana with this link and the default credentials are:

  • username: trex
  • password: 123321

Debugging Helm Deployed Components

Cron Jobs

The engine pods handle pulling pricing data for the cron jobs. Please review ./ for any authentication errors for missing IEX Cloud Token and Tradier Token messages like:

Missing IEX Token log

2019-03-01 06:03:58,836 - analysis_engine.work_tasks.get_new_pricing_data - WARNING - ticker=SPY - please set a valid IEX Cloud Account token ( to fetch data from IEX Cloud. It must be set as an environment variable like: export IEX_TOKEN=<token>

Missing Tradier Token log

2019-03-01 06:03:59,721 - - CRITICAL - Please check the TD_TOKEN is correct received 401 during fetch for: puts

If there is an IEX Cloud or Tradier authentication issue, then please check out the Configure Data Collection Jobs section and then rerun the job with the updated values.yaml file.

Helm - Incompatible Versions Client Error

If you see an error like this when trying to deploy:

Error: incompatible versions client[v2.13.0] server[v2.12.3]

Then please upgrade your helm with:


This will recreate the tiller pod in the kube-system namespace and can take about 30 seconds to restart correctly, and you can view the pod with the command: kubectl -n kube-system get po | grep tiller

helm init --upgrade




View Logs:


Intraday Data Collection



View Logs:


Daily Data Collection



View Logs:


Weekly Data Collection



View Logs:



Describe Pod:


View Logs:


View Service:



Jupyter uses the backtester pod to peform asynchronous processing like running an algo backtest. To debug this run:



View Logs:





Describe Service:


Describe Ingress:






To stop AE run:


Full Delete

And if you really, really want to permanently delete ae-minio and ae-redis run:


Running this can delete cached pricing data. Please be careful.

./ -f