Source code for analysis_engine.perf.profile_algo_runner

Example tool for to profiling algorithm performance for:

- Memory
- Profiler
- Heatmap

The pip includes `vprof for profiling algorithm code
performance <>`__

#.  Start vprof in remote mode in a first terminal

    .. note:: This command will start a webapp on port ``3434``


        vprof -r -p 3434

#.  Start Profiler in a second terminal

    .. note:: This command pushes data to the webapp
        in the other terminal listening on port ``3434``


        vprof -c cm ./analysis_engine/perf/

import datetime
import vprof.runner as perf_runner
import analysis_engine.consts as ae_consts
import analysis_engine.algo_runner as algo_runner
import spylunking.log.setup_logging as log_utils

log = log_utils.build_colorized_logger(

[docs]def start(): """start""" back_a_few_days = ( - datetime.timedelta(days=3)) start_date = back_a_few_days.strftime( ae_consts.COMMON_DATE_FORMAT) ticker = 'SPY' s3_bucket = 'perftests' s3_key = ( f'{ticker}_{start_date}') algo_config = ( f'./cfg/default_algo.json') history_loc = ( f's3://{s3_bucket}/{s3_key}') f'building {ticker} trade history ' f'start_date={start_date} ' f'config={algo_config} ' f'history_loc={history_loc}') runner = algo_runner.AlgoRunner( ticker=ticker, start_date=start_date, history_loc=history_loc, algo_config=algo_config, verbose_algo=False, verbose_processor=False, verbose_indicators=False) runner.start()
# end of start if __name__ == '__main__':, 'cm', args=(), host='', port=3434)