Source code for analysis_engine.indicators.indicator_processor

Indicator Processor

- v1 Indicator type: ``supported``
    Binary decision support on buys and sells
    This is like an alert threshold that is ``on`` or ``off``

- v2 Indicator type: ``not supported``
    Support for buy or sell value range
    This is like an alert threshold between a ``lower``
    and ``upper`` bound

import os
import json
import analysis_engine.consts as ae_consts
import analysis_engine.indicators.build_indicator_node as build_indicator
import analysis_engine.indicators.load_indicator_from_module as load_indicator
import spylunking.log.setup_logging as log_utils

log = log_utils.build_colorized_logger(name=__name__)

[docs]class IndicatorProcessor: """IndicatorProcessor""" def __init__( self, config_dict, config_file=None, ticker=None, label=None, verbose=False, verbose_indicators=False): """__init__ Algorithm's use the ``IndicatorProcessor`` to drive how the underlying indicators are created and configured to determine buy and sell conditions. Create an IndicatorProcessor by passing in a valid: ``config_dict`` or a path to a local `config_file`` Please refer to the `included algorithm config file <http s:// ter/tests/algo_configs/test_5_days_ahead.json>`__ for more details on how to create your own. :param config_dict: - dictionary for creating indicators and rules for buy/sell conditions and parameters for each indicator :param config_file: path to a json file containing custom algorithm object member values (like indicator configuration and predict future date units ahead for a backtest) :param ticker: optional - single ticker string indicators should focus on math, fundamentals, sentiment and other data, but the context about which ticker this is for should hopefully be abstracted from how an indicator predicts buy and sell conditions :param label: optional - string log tracking this class in the logs (usually just the algo name is good enough to help debug issues when running distributed) :param verbose: optional - bool for more logging (default is ``False``) :param verbose_indicators: optional - bool for more logging for all indicators managed by this ``IndicatorProcessor`` (default is ``False``) """ self.config_dict = config_dict if not self.config_dict: if config_file: if not os.path.exists(config_file): raise Exception( f'Unable to find config_file: {config_file}') # end of if file does not exist on the disk self.config_dict = json.loads( open(config_file, 'r').read()) # end of trying to ensure the config_dict is ready if not self.config_dict: raise Exception( 'Missing either a config_dict or a config_file to ' 'create the IndicatorProcessor') self.last_ind_obj = None self.ticker = ticker self.ind_dict = {} self.num_indicators = len(self.config_dict.get( 'indicators', [])) self.label = label if not self.label: self.label = 'idprc' self.latest_report = {} self.reports = [] self.verbose = verbose self.verbose_indicators = verbose_indicators if not self.verbose_indicators: self.verbose_indicators = self.config_dict.get( 'verbose_indicators', False) self.build_indicators_for_config( config_dict=self.config_dict) # end of __init__
[docs] def get_last_ind_obj( self): """get_last_ind_obj""" return self.last_ind_obj
# end of get_last_ind_obj
[docs] def get_latest_report( self, algo_id=None, ticker=None, dataset=None): """get_latest_report Return the latest report as a method that can be customized by a derived class from the ``IndicatorProcessor`` :param algo_id: optional - string - algo identifier label for debugging datasets during specific dates :param ticker: optional - string - ticker :param dataset: optional - a dictionary of identifiers (for debugging) and multiple pandas ``pd.DataFrame`` objects. Dictionary where keys represent a label from one of the data sources (``IEX``, ``Yahoo``, ``FinViz`` or other). Here is the supported dataset structure for the process method: """ return self.latest_report
# end of get_latest_report
[docs] def get_num_indicators( self): """get_num_indicators""" return self.num_indicators
# end of get_num_indicators
[docs] def get_label( self): """get_label""" return self.label
# end of get_label
[docs] def get_indicators( self): """get_indicators""" return self.ind_dict
# end of get_indicators
[docs] def build_indicators_for_config( self, config_dict): """build_indicators_for_config Convert the dictionary into an internal dictionary for quickly processing results :param config_dict: initailized algorithm config dictionary """ if 'indicators' not in config_dict: log.error('missing "indicators" list in the config_dict') return if self.verbose: f'{self.label} start - ' f'building indicators={self.num_indicators}') for idx, node in enumerate(config_dict['indicators']): percent_done = ae_consts.get_percent_done( progress=(idx + 1), total=self.num_indicators) percent_label = ( f'ticker={self.ticker} {percent_done} ' f'{idx+1}/{self.num_indicators}') # this will throw on errors parsing to make # it easeir to debug # before starting the algo and waiting for an error # in the middle of a backtest new_node = build_indicator.build_indicator_node( node=node) if new_node: indicator_key_name = new_node['report']['name'] if self.verbose: f'{self.label} - ' f'preparing indicator={indicator_key_name} ' f'node={new_node} {percent_label}') else: log.debug( f'{self.label} - ' f'preparing indicator={indicator_key_name} ' f'{percent_label}') self.ind_dict[indicator_key_name] = new_node self.ind_dict[indicator_key_name]['obj'] = None base_class_indicator = node.get( 'base_class', 'BaseIndicator') self.ind_dict[indicator_key_name]['obj'] = \ load_indicator.load_indicator_from_module( module_name=new_node['report']['module_name'], path_to_module=new_node['report']['path_to_module'], ind_dict=new_node, log_label=indicator_key_name, base_class_module_name=base_class_indicator, verbose=self.verbose_indicators) log.debug( f'{self.label} - ' f'created indicator={indicator_key_name} ' f'{percent_label}') else: raise Exception( f'{self.label} - ' f'failed creating indicator {idx} node={node}') # end for all indicators in the config if self.verbose: f'{self.label} done - ' f'built={len(self.ind_dict)} ' f'from indicators={self.num_indicators}')
# end of build_indicators_for_config
[docs] def process( self, algo_id, ticker, dataset): """process :param algo_id: string - algo identifier label for debugging datasets during specific dates :param ticker: string - ticker :param dataset: a dictionary of identifiers (for debugging) and multiple pandas ``pd.DataFrame`` objects. Dictionary where keys represent a label from one of the data sources (``IEX``, ``Yahoo``, ``FinViz`` or other). Here is the supported dataset structure for the process method: """ self.latest_report = { 'id': algo_id, 'ticker': ticker, 'buys': [], 'sells': [], 'num_indicators': self.num_indicators, 'date': dataset.get('date', None) } for idx, ind_id in enumerate(self.ind_dict): ind_node = self.ind_dict[ind_id] ind_obj = ind_node['obj'] percent_done = ae_consts.get_percent_done( progress=(idx + 1), total=self.num_indicators) percent_label = ( f'ticker={self.ticker} {percent_done} ' f'{idx+1}/{self.num_indicators}') ind_obj.reset_internals() if self.verbose: f'{self.label} - {ind_obj.get_name()} ' f'start {percent_label}') # this will throw on errors to help with debugging self.last_ind_obj = ind_obj ind_obj.handle_subscribed_dataset( algo_id=algo_id, ticker=ticker, dataset=dataset) new_report = ind_obj.get_report() if self.verbose: f'{self.label} - {ind_obj.get_name()} ' f'end {percent_label} ' f'report: {ae_consts.ppj(new_report)}') self.latest_report.update(new_report) is_buy_value = ind_obj.is_buy is_sell_value = ind_obj.is_sell """" v1 indicator type: supported binary decision support on buys and sells (like an alert threshold that is on or off) v2 indicator type: not supported support for buy/sell value range (like an alert threshold between a lower and upper bound) """ if (hasattr(ind_obj, 'is_buy') and hasattr(ind_obj, 'is_sell')): is_buy_value = ind_obj.is_buy is_sell_value = ind_obj.is_sell if is_buy_value == ae_consts.INDICATOR_BUY: self.latest_report['buys'].append({ 'cell': idx, 'name': ind_obj.get_name(), 'id': ind_id, 'report': new_report}) elif is_sell_value == ae_consts.INDICATOR_SELL: self.latest_report['sells'].append({ 'cell': idx, 'name': ind_obj.get_name(), 'id': ind_id, 'report': new_report}) # end of for all indicators self.reports.append(self.latest_report) # allow derived indicator processors to build custom reports return self.get_latest_report( algo_id=algo_id, ticker=ticker, dataset=dataset)
# end of process # end of IndicatorProcessor