Source code for analysis_engine.iex.helpers_for_iex_api

Functions for getting data from IEX using HTTP


Please set the ``verbose`` argument to ``True``
to enable debug logging with these calls

    import urllib.parse as urlparse
except ImportError:
    import urlparse as urlparse
import requests
import pandas as pd
import analysis_engine.consts as ae_consts
import analysis_engine.iex.consts as iex_consts
import analysis_engine.iex.build_auth_url as iex_auth
import spylunking.log.setup_logging as log_utils

log = log_utils.build_colorized_logger(name=__name__)

[docs]def convert_datetime_columns( df, date_cols=None, second_cols=None, tcols=None, ecols=None): """convert_datetime_columns Convert the IEX date columns in the ``df`` to ``datetime`` objects :param df: ``pandas.DataFrame`` to set columns to datetime objects :param date_cols: list of columns to convert with a date string format formatted: ``YYYY-MM-DD`` :param second_cols: list of columns to convert with a date string format formatted: ``YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS`` :param tcols: list of columns to convert with a time format (this is for millisecond epoch integers) :param ecols: list of columns to convert with a time format (this is for nanosecond epoch integers) """ date_cols = date_cols or iex_consts.IEX_DATE_FIELDS second_cols = second_cols or iex_consts.IEX_SECOND_FIELDS tcols = tcols or iex_consts.IEX_TIME_FIELDS ecols = ecols or iex_consts.IEX_EPOCH_FIELDS for col in date_cols: if col in df: df[col] = pd.to_datetime( df[col], format=iex_consts.IEX_DATE_FORMAT, errors='coerce') for col in second_cols: if col in df: df[col] = pd.to_datetime( df[col], format=iex_consts.IEX_TICK_FORMAT, errors='coerce') for tcol in tcols: if tcol in df: df[tcol] = pd.to_datetime( df[tcol], unit='ms', errors='coerce') for ecol in ecols: if ecol in df: df[ecol] = pd.to_datetime( df[ecol], unit='ns', errors='coerce')
# end of convert_datetime_columns
[docs]def get_from_iex_v1( url, verbose=False): """get_from_iex_v1 Get data from the IEX Trading API (v1) https// :param url: IEX V1 Resource URL :param verbose: optional - bool turn on logging """ url = ( f'{iex_consts.IEX_URL_BASE_V1}{url}') resp = requests.get( urlparse(url).geturl(), proxies=iex_consts.IEX_PROXIES) if resp.status_code == 200: res_data = resp.json() if verbose: proxy_str = '' if iex_consts.IEX_PROXIES: proxy_str = ( f'proxies={iex_consts.IEX_PROXIES} ') f'IEXAPI_V1 - url={url} ' f'{proxy_str}' f'status_code={resp.status_code} ' f'data={ae_consts.ppj(res_data)}') return res_data raise Exception( f'Failed to get data from IEX V1 API with ' f'function=get_from_iex_v1 ' f'url={url} which sent ' f'response {resp.status_code} - {resp.text}')
# end of get_from_iex_v1
[docs]def get_from_iex_cloud( url, token=None, verbose=False): """get_from_iex_cloud Get data from IEX Cloud API (v2) :param url: IEX resource url :param token: optional - string token for your user's account :param verbose: optional - bool turn on logging """ url = ( f'{iex_consts.IEX_URL_BASE}{url}') resp = requests.get( url, proxies=iex_consts.IEX_PROXIES) if resp.status_code == res_data = resp.json() if verbose: proxy_str = '' if iex_consts.IEX_PROXIES: proxy_str = ( f'proxies={iex_consts.IEX_PROXIES} ') f'IEXAPI - response data for ' f'url={url.replace(token, "REDACTED")} ' f'{proxy_str}' f'status_code={resp.status_code} ' f'data={ae_consts.ppj(res_data)}') return res_data raise Exception( f'Failed to get data from IEX Cloud with ' f'function=get_from_iex_cloud ' f'url={url} which sent ' f'response {resp.status_code} - {resp.text}')
# end of get_from_iex_cloud
[docs]def handle_get_from_iex( url, token=None, version=None, verbose=False): """handle_get_from_iex Implementation for getting data from the IEX v2 or v1 api depending on if the ``token`` argument is set: - `IEX Cloud (v2) <>`__ - `IEX Trading API (v1) <>`__ :param url: IEX resource url :param token: optional - string token for your user's account :version: optional - string version for the IEX Cloud (default is ``beta``) :param verbose: optional - bool turn on logging """ if token: return get_from_iex_cloud( url=url, token=token, verbose=verbose) return get_from_iex_v1( url=url, verbose=verbose)
# handle_get_from_iex
[docs]def get_from_iex( url, token=None, version=None, verbose=False): """get_from_iex Helper for getting data from an IEX publishable API endpoint using a token as a query param on the http url. :param url: IEX resource url :param token: optional - string token for your user's account :param version: optional - version string :param verbose: optional - bool turn on logging """ full_url = iex_auth.build_auth_url( url=url, token=token) return handle_get_from_iex( url=full_url, token=token, version=version, verbose=verbose)
# end of get_from_iex