Source code for analysis_engine.iex.get_data

Common Fetch for any supported Get from IEX using HTTP

Supported environment variables:


    # debug the fetch routines with:
    export DEBUG_IEX_DATA=1


import os
import datetime
import copy
import analysis_engine.consts as ae_consts
import analysis_engine.iex.consts as iex_consts
import analysis_engine.build_result as build_result
import analysis_engine.api_requests as api_requests
import analysis_engine.iex.fetch_data as iex_fetch_data
import analysis_engine.work_tasks.publish_pricing_update as publisher
import spylunking.log.setup_logging as log_utils

log = log_utils.build_colorized_logger(name=__name__)

[docs]def get_data_from_iex( work_dict): """get_data_from_iex Get data from IEX - this requires an account :param work_dict: request dictionary """ label = 'get_data_from_iex' log.debug( f'task - {label} - start ' f'work_dict={work_dict}') rec = { 'data': None, 'updated': None } res = { 'status': ae_consts.NOT_RUN, 'err': None, 'rec': rec } ticker = None field = None ft_type = None try: ticker = work_dict.get('ticker', ae_consts.TICKER) field = work_dict.get('field', 'daily') ft_type = work_dict.get('ft_type', None) ft_str = str(ft_type).lower() label = work_dict.get('label', label) orient = work_dict.get('orient', 'records') backfill_date = work_dict.get('backfill_date', None) verbose = work_dict.get('verbose', False) iex_req = None if ft_type == iex_consts.FETCH_DAILY or ft_str == 'daily': ft_type == iex_consts.FETCH_DAILY iex_req = api_requests.build_iex_fetch_daily_request( label=label) elif ft_type == iex_consts.FETCH_MINUTE or ft_str == 'minute': ft_type == iex_consts.FETCH_MINUTE iex_req = api_requests.build_iex_fetch_minute_request( label=label) elif ft_type == iex_consts.FETCH_QUOTE or ft_str == 'quote': ft_type == iex_consts.FETCH_QUOTE iex_req = api_requests.build_iex_fetch_quote_request( label=label) elif ft_type == iex_consts.FETCH_STATS or ft_str == 'stats': ft_type == iex_consts.FETCH_STATS iex_req = api_requests.build_iex_fetch_stats_request( label=label) elif ft_type == iex_consts.FETCH_PEERS or ft_str == 'peers': ft_type == iex_consts.FETCH_PEERS iex_req = api_requests.build_iex_fetch_peers_request( label=label) elif ft_type == iex_consts.FETCH_NEWS or ft_str == 'news': ft_type == iex_consts.FETCH_NEWS iex_req = api_requests.build_iex_fetch_news_request( label=label) elif ft_type == iex_consts.FETCH_FINANCIALS or ft_str == 'financials': ft_type == iex_consts.FETCH_FINANCIALS iex_req = api_requests.build_iex_fetch_financials_request( label=label) elif ft_type == iex_consts.FETCH_EARNINGS or ft_str == 'earnings': ft_type == iex_consts.FETCH_EARNINGS iex_req = api_requests.build_iex_fetch_earnings_request( label=label) elif ft_type == iex_consts.FETCH_DIVIDENDS or ft_str == 'dividends': ft_type == iex_consts.FETCH_DIVIDENDS iex_req = api_requests.build_iex_fetch_dividends_request( label=label) elif ft_type == iex_consts.FETCH_COMPANY or ft_str == 'company': ft_type == iex_consts.FETCH_COMPANY iex_req = api_requests.build_iex_fetch_company_request( label=label) else: log.error( f'{label} - unsupported ft_type={ft_type} ' f'ft_str={ft_str} ticker={ticker}') raise NotImplementedError # if supported fetch request type iex_req['ticker'] = ticker clone_keys = [ 'ticker', 's3_address', 's3_bucket', 's3_key', 'redis_address', 'redis_db', 'redis_password', 'redis_key' ] for k in clone_keys: if k in iex_req: iex_req[k] = work_dict.get(k, f'{k}-missing-in-{label}') # end of cloning keys if not iex_req: err = ( f'{label} - ticker={ticker} ' f'did not build an IEX request ' f'for work={work_dict}') log.error(err) res = build_result.build_result( status=ae_consts.ERR, err=err, rec=rec) return res else: log.debug( f'{label} - ticker={ticker} ' f'field={field} ' f'orient={orient} fetch') # if invalid iex request df = None try: if 'from' in work_dict: iex_req['from'] = datetime.datetime.strptime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', work_dict['from']) if backfill_date: iex_req['backfill_date'] = backfill_date iex_req['redis_key'] = ( f'{ticker}_{backfill_date}_{field}') iex_req['s3_key'] = ( f'{ticker}_{backfill_date}_{field}') if os.getenv('SHOW_SUCCESS', '0') == '1': f'fetching IEX {field} req={iex_req}') else: log.debug( f'fetching IEX {field} req={iex_req}') df = iex_fetch_data.fetch_data( work_dict=iex_req, fetch_type=ft_type, verbose=verbose) rec['data'] = df.to_json( orient=orient, date_format='iso') rec['updated'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') except Exception as f: log.error( f'{label} - ticker={ticker} field={ft_type} ' f'failed fetch_data ' f'with ex={f}') # end of try/ex if ae_consts.ev('DEBUG_IEX_DATA', '0') == '1': log.debug( f'{label} ticker={ticker} ' f'field={field} data={rec["data"]} to_json') else: log.debug( f'{label} ticker={ticker} field={field} to_json') # end of if/else found data upload_and_cache_req = copy.deepcopy(iex_req) upload_and_cache_req['celery_disabled'] = True upload_and_cache_req['data'] = rec['data'] if not upload_and_cache_req['data']: upload_and_cache_req['data'] = '{}' use_field = field if use_field == 'news': use_field = 'news1' if 'redis_key' in work_dict: rk = work_dict.get('redis_key', iex_req['redis_key']) if backfill_date: rk = f'{ticker}_{backfill_date}' upload_and_cache_req['redis_key'] = ( f'{rk}_{use_field}') if 's3_key' in work_dict: sk = work_dict.get('s3_key', iex_req['s3_key']) if backfill_date: sk = f'{ticker}_{backfill_date}' upload_and_cache_req['s3_key'] = ( f'{sk}_{use_field}') try: update_res = publisher.run_publish_pricing_update( work_dict=upload_and_cache_req) update_status = update_res.get( 'status', ae_consts.NOT_SET) log.debug( f'{label} publish update ' f'status={ae_consts.get_status(status=update_status)} ' f'data={update_res}') except Exception: err = ( f'{label} - failed to upload iex ' f'data={upload_and_cache_req} to ' f'to s3_key={upload_and_cache_req["s3_key"]} ' f'and redis_key={upload_and_cache_req["redis_key"]}') log.error(err) # end of try/ex to upload and cache if not rec['data']: log.debug( f'{label} - ticker={ticker} no IEX data ' f'field={field} to publish') # end of if/else res = build_result.build_result( status=ae_consts.SUCCESS, err=None, rec=rec) except Exception as e: res = build_result.build_result( status=ae_consts.ERR, err=( f'failed - get_data_from_iex ' f'dict={work_dict} with ex={e}'), rec=rec) # end of try/ex log.debug( f'task - get_data_from_iex done - ' f'{label} - ' f'status={ae_consts.get_status(res["status"])} ' f'err={res["err"]}') return res
# end of get_data_from_iex