Source code for analysis_engine.iex.fetch_api

Fetch API calls for pulling IEX Cloud Data from
a valid IEX account

.. warning:: Running these API calls will impact
    your account's monthly quota. Please be
    aware of your usage when calling these.

Please set the environment variable ``IEX_TOKEN`` to
your account token before running these calls.

More steps can be found on the docs in the
`IEX API <https://stock-analysis-engine.readth>`__

**Command Line Tool Fetching Examples**

With the Analysis Engine stack running you can use
the pip's included ``fetch`` command line tool with the
following arguments to pull data (and automate it).

**Fetch Minute Data**


    fetch -t AAPL -g min

**Fetch Daily Data**


    fetch -t AAPL -g day

**Fetch Quote Data**


    fetch -t AAPL -g quote

**Fetch Stats Data**


    fetch -t AAPL -g stats

**Fetch Peers Data**


    fetch -t AAPL -g peers

**Fetch News Data**


    fetch -t AAPL -g news

**Fetch Financials Data**


    fetch -t AAPL -g fin

**Fetch Earnings Data**


    fetch -t AAPL -g earn

**Fetch Dividends Data**


    fetch -t AAPL -g div

**Fetch Company Data**


    fetch -t AAPL -g comp

**Command Line Fetch Debugging**

Add the ``-d`` flag to the ``fetch`` command to enable
verbose logging. Here is an example:


    fetch -t AAPL -g news -d


import pandas as pd
import analysis_engine.consts as ae_consts
import analysis_engine.utils as ae_utils
import analysis_engine.dataset_scrub_utils as dataset_utils
import analysis_engine.iex.consts as iex_consts
import analysis_engine.iex.helpers_for_iex_api as iex_helpers
import spylunking.log.setup_logging as log_utils

log = log_utils.build_colorized_logger(name=__name__)

[docs]def fetch_daily( ticker=None, work_dict=None, scrub_mode='sort-by-date', verbose=False): """fetch_daily Fetch the IEX daily data for a ticker and return it as a ``pandas.DataFrame``. .. code-block:: python import analysis_engine.iex.fetch_api as iex_fetch daily_df = iex_fetch.fetch_daily(ticker='SPY') print(daily_df) :param ticker: string ticker to fetch :param work_dict: dictionary of args used by the automation :param scrub_mode: optional - string type of scrubbing handler to run :param verbose: optional - bool to log for debugging """ label = None if work_dict: if not ticker: ticker = work_dict.get('ticker', None) label = work_dict.get('label', None) use_url = ( f'/stock/{ticker}/chart/1m') if verbose: f'{label} - daily - url={use_url} ' f'req={work_dict} ' f'ticker={ticker}') resp_json = iex_helpers.get_from_iex( url=use_url, token=iex_consts.IEX_TOKEN, verbose=verbose) df = pd.DataFrame(resp_json) if verbose: f'{label} - daily - url={use_url} ' f'ticker={ticker} response ' f'df={df.tail(5)}') if len(df.index) == 0: return df iex_helpers.convert_datetime_columns( df=df) cols_to_drop = [ ] remove_these = None for c in df: if c in cols_to_drop: if not remove_these: remove_these = [] remove_these.append(c) if remove_these: df = df.drop(columns=remove_these) df.set_index( [ 'date' ]).sort_values(by=['date'], ascending=True) return df
# end of fetch_daily
[docs]def fetch_minute( ticker=None, backfill_date=None, work_dict=None, scrub_mode='sort-by-date', verbose=False): """fetch_minute Fetch the IEX minute intraday data for a ticker and return it as a ``pandas.DataFrame``. .. code-block:: python import analysis_engine.iex.fetch_api as iex_fetch minute_df = iex_fetch.fetch_minute(ticker='SPY') print(minute_df) :param ticker: string ticker to fetch :param backfill_date: optional - date string formatted ``YYYY-MM-DD`` for filling in missing minute data :param work_dict: dictionary of args used by the automation :param scrub_mode: optional - string type of scrubbing handler to run :param verbose: optional - bool to log for debugging """ label = None use_date = backfill_date from_historical_date = None last_close_to_use = None dates = [] if work_dict: label = work_dict.get('label', None) use_date = work_dict.get('use_date', None) if not ticker: ticker = work_dict.get('ticker', None) if not backfill_date: use_date = work_dict.get('backfill_date', None) if 'from_historical_date' in work_dict: from_historical_date = work_dict['from_historical_date'] if 'last_close_to_use' in work_dict: last_close_to_use = work_dict['last_close_to_use'] if from_historical_date and last_close_to_use: dates = ae_utils.get_days_between_dates( from_historical_date=work_dict['from_historical_date'], last_close_to_use=last_close_to_use) use_url = ( f'/stock/{ticker}/chart/1d') if use_date: # no - chars in the date use_url = ( f'/stock/{ticker}/chart/date/{use_date.replace("-", "")}') if verbose: f'{label} - minute - url={use_url} ' f'req={work_dict} ticker={ticker} ' f'fhdate={from_historical_date} ' f'last_close={last_close_to_use} ' f'dates={dates}') resp_json = iex_helpers.get_from_iex( url=use_url, token=iex_consts.IEX_TOKEN, verbose=verbose) df = pd.DataFrame(resp_json) if verbose: f'{label} - minute - url={use_url} ' f'ticker={ticker} response ' f'df={df.tail(5)}') if 'date' not in df: log.error( f'unable to download IEX Cloud minute ' f'data for {ticker} on backfill_date={use_date} ' f'df: {df} from url: {use_url} with response: {resp_json}') return df if len(df.index) == 0: return df iex_helpers.convert_datetime_columns( df=df) if not use_date: use_date = df['date'].iloc[-1].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') new_minutes = dataset_utils.build_dates_from_df_col( src_col='minute', use_date_str=use_date, df=df) df['date'] = pd.to_datetime( new_minutes, format=ae_consts.COMMON_TICK_DATE_FORMAT) # make sure dates are set as strings in the cache df['date'] = df['date'].dt.strftime( ae_consts.COMMON_TICK_DATE_FORMAT) df.set_index( [ 'date' ]) return df
# end of fetch_minute
[docs]def fetch_quote( ticker=None, work_dict=None, scrub_mode='sort-by-date', verbose=False): """fetch_quote Fetch the IEX quote data for a ticker and return as a ``pandas.DataFrame``. .. code-block:: python import analysis_engine.iex.fetch_api as iex_fetch quote_df = iex_fetch.fetch_quote(ticker='SPY') print(quote_df) :param ticker: string ticker to fetch :param work_dict: dictionary of args used by the automation :param scrub_mode: optional - string type of scrubbing handler to run :param verbose: optional - bool to log for debugging """ label = None if work_dict: if not ticker: ticker = work_dict.get('ticker', None) label = work_dict.get('label', None) use_url = ( f'/stock/{ticker}/quote') if verbose: f'{label} - quote - url={use_url} ' f'req={work_dict} ticker={ticker}') resp_json = iex_helpers.get_from_iex( url=use_url, token=iex_consts.IEX_TOKEN, verbose=verbose) df = pd.DataFrame([resp_json]) if verbose: f'{label} - quote - url={use_url} ' f'ticker={ticker} response ' f'df={df.tail(5)}') if len(df.index) == 0: return df iex_helpers.convert_datetime_columns( df=df) cols_to_drop = [] remove_these = None if len(cols_to_drop) > 0: for c in df: if c in cols_to_drop: if not remove_these: remove_these = [] remove_these.append(c) if remove_these: df = df.drop(columns=remove_these) return df
# end of fetch_quote
[docs]def fetch_stats( ticker=None, work_dict=None, scrub_mode='sort-by-date', verbose=False): """fetch_stats Fetch the IEX statistics data for a ticker and return it as a ``pandas.DataFrame``. .. code-block:: python import analysis_engine.iex.fetch_api as iex_fetch stats_df = iex_fetch.fetch_stats(ticker='SPY') print(stats_df) :param ticker: string ticker to fetch :param work_dict: dictionary of args used by the automation :param scrub_mode: optional - string type of scrubbing handler to run :param verbose: optional - bool to log for debugging """ label = None if work_dict: if not ticker: ticker = work_dict.get('ticker', None) label = work_dict.get('label', None) use_url = ( f'/stock/{ticker}/stats') if verbose: f'{label} - stats - url={use_url} ' f'req={work_dict} ticker={ticker}') resp_json = iex_helpers.get_from_iex( url=use_url, token=iex_consts.IEX_TOKEN, verbose=verbose) df = pd.DataFrame([resp_json]) if verbose: f'{label} - stats - url={use_url} ' f'ticker={ticker} response ' f'df={df.tail(5)}') if len(df.index) == 0: return df iex_helpers.convert_datetime_columns( df=df) cols_to_drop = [] remove_these = None if len(cols_to_drop) > 0: for c in df: if c in cols_to_drop: if not remove_these: remove_these = [] remove_these.append(c) if remove_these: df = df.drop(columns=remove_these) return df
# end of fetch_stats def fetch_peers( ticker=None, work_dict=None, scrub_mode='sort-by-date', verbose=False): """fetch_peers Fetch the IEX peers data for a ticker and return it as a ``pandas.DataFrame``. .. code-block:: python import analysis_engine.iex.fetch_api as iex_fetch peers_df = iex_fetch.fetch_peers(ticker='SPY') print(peers_df) :param ticker: string ticker to fetch :param work_dict: dictionary of args used by the automation :param scrub_mode: optional - string type of scrubbing handler to run :param verbose: optional - bool to log for debugging """ label = None if work_dict: if not ticker: ticker = work_dict.get('ticker', None) label = work_dict.get('label', None) use_url = ( f'/stock/{ticker}/relevant') if verbose: f'{label} - peers - url={use_url} ' f'req={work_dict} ticker={ticker}') resp_json = iex_helpers.get_from_iex( url=use_url, token=iex_consts.IEX_TOKEN, verbose=verbose) df = pd.DataFrame(resp_json) if verbose: f'{label} - peers - url={use_url} ' f'ticker={ticker} response ' f'df={df.tail(5)}') if len(df.index) == 0: return df iex_helpers.convert_datetime_columns( df=df) cols_to_drop = [] remove_these = None if len(cols_to_drop) > 0: for c in df: if c in cols_to_drop: if not remove_these: remove_these = [] remove_these.append(c) if remove_these: df = df.drop(columns=remove_these) return df # end of fetch_peers
[docs]def fetch_news( ticker=None, num_news=5, work_dict=None, scrub_mode='sort-by-date', verbose=False): """fetch_news Fetch the IEX news data for a ticker and return it as a ``pandas.DataFrame``. .. code-block:: python import analysis_engine.iex.fetch_api as iex_fetch news_df = iex_fetch.fetch_news(ticker='SPY') print(news_df) :param ticker: string ticker to fetch :param num_news: optional - int number of news articles to fetch (default is ``5`` articles) :param work_dict: dictionary of args used by the automation :param scrub_mode: optional - string type of scrubbing handler to run :param verbose: optional - bool to log for debugging """ label = None if work_dict: if not ticker: ticker = work_dict.get('ticker', None) label = work_dict.get('label', None) if not num_news: num_news = int(work_dict.get('num_news', 5)) use_url = ( f'/stock/{ticker}/news/last/{num_news}') if verbose: f'{label} - news - url={use_url} ' f'req={work_dict} ticker={ticker}') resp_json = iex_helpers.get_from_iex( url=use_url, token=iex_consts.IEX_TOKEN, verbose=verbose) df = pd.DataFrame(resp_json) if verbose: f'{label} - news - url={use_url} ' f'ticker={ticker} response ' f'df={df.tail(5)}') if len(df.index) == 0: return df if 'datetime' not in df: log.error( f'unable to download IEX Cloud news ' f'data for {ticker} ' f'df: {df} from url: {use_url} with response: {resp_json}') return df df['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime( df['datetime'], unit='ms', errors='coerce') cols_to_drop = [] remove_these = None if len(cols_to_drop) > 0: for c in df: if c in cols_to_drop: if not remove_these: remove_these = [] remove_these.append(c) if remove_these: df = df.drop(columns=remove_these) return df
# end of fetch_news
[docs]def fetch_financials( ticker=None, work_dict=None, scrub_mode='sort-by-date', verbose=False): """fetch_financials Fetch the IEX financial data for a ticker and return it as a ``pandas.DataFrame``. .. code-block:: python import analysis_engine.iex.fetch_api as iex_fetch fin_df = iex_fetch.fetch_financials(ticker='SPY') print(fin_df) :param ticker: string ticker to fetch :param work_dict: dictionary of args used by the automation :param scrub_mode: optional - string type of scrubbing handler to run :param verbose: optional - bool to log for debugging """ label = None if work_dict: if not ticker: ticker = work_dict.get('ticker', None) label = work_dict.get('label', None) use_url = ( f'/stock/{ticker}/financials') if verbose: f'{label} - fins - url={use_url} ' f'req={work_dict} ticker={ticker}') resp_json = iex_helpers.get_from_iex( url=use_url, token=iex_consts.IEX_TOKEN, verbose=verbose) df = pd.DataFrame(resp_json.get('financials', [])) if verbose: f'{label} - fins - url={use_url} ' f'ticker={ticker} response ' f'df={df.tail(5)}') if len(df.index) == 0: return df iex_helpers.convert_datetime_columns( df=df) cols_to_drop = [] remove_these = None if len(cols_to_drop) > 0: for c in df: if c in cols_to_drop: if not remove_these: remove_these = [] remove_these.append(c) if remove_these: df = df.drop(columns=remove_these) return df
# end of fetch_financials
[docs]def fetch_earnings( ticker=None, work_dict=None, scrub_mode='sort-by-date', verbose=False): """fetch_earnings Fetch the IEX earnings data for a ticker and return it as a ``pandas.DataFrame``. .. code-block:: python import analysis_engine.iex.fetch_api as iex_fetch earn_df = iex_fetch.fetch_earnings(ticker='SPY') print(earn_df) :param ticker: string ticker to fetch :param work_dict: dictionary of args used by the automation :param scrub_mode: optional - string type of scrubbing handler to run :param verbose: optional - bool to log for debugging """ label = None if work_dict: if not ticker: ticker = work_dict.get('ticker', None) label = work_dict.get('label', None) use_url = ( f'/stock/{ticker}/earnings') if verbose: f'{label} - earns - url={use_url} ' f'req={work_dict} ticker={ticker}') resp_json = iex_helpers.get_from_iex( url=use_url, token=iex_consts.IEX_TOKEN, verbose=verbose) df = pd.DataFrame(resp_json.get('earnings', [])) if verbose: f'{label} - earns - url={use_url} ' f'ticker={ticker} response ' f'df={df.tail(5)}') if len(df.index) == 0: return df iex_helpers.convert_datetime_columns( df=df) cols_to_drop = [] remove_these = None if len(cols_to_drop) > 0: for c in df: if c in cols_to_drop: if not remove_these: remove_these = [] remove_these.append(c) if remove_these: df = df.drop(columns=remove_these) return df
# end of fetch_earnings
[docs]def fetch_dividends( ticker=None, timeframe='3m', work_dict=None, scrub_mode='sort-by-date', verbose=False): """fetch_dividends Fetch the IEX dividends data for a ticker and return it as a ``pandas.DataFrame``. .. code-block:: python import analysis_engine.iex.fetch_api as iex_fetch div_df = iex_fetch.fetch_dividends(ticker='SPY') print(div_df) :param ticker: string ticker to fetch :param timeframe: optional - string for setting dividend lookback period used for (default is ``3m`` for three months) :param work_dict: dictionary of args used by the automation :param scrub_mode: optional - string type of scrubbing handler to run :param verbose: optional - bool to log for debugging """ label = None if work_dict: if not ticker: ticker = work_dict.get('ticker', None) label = work_dict.get('label', None) if not timeframe: timeframe = work_dict.get('timeframe', '3m') use_url = ( f'/stock/{ticker}/dividends/{timeframe}') if verbose: f'{label} - divs - url={use_url} ' f'req={work_dict} ticker={ticker}') resp_json = iex_helpers.get_from_iex( url=use_url, token=iex_consts.IEX_TOKEN, verbose=verbose) df = pd.DataFrame(resp_json) if verbose: f'{label} - divs - url={use_url} ' f'ticker={ticker} response ' f'df={df.tail(5)}') if len(df.index) == 0: return df iex_helpers.convert_datetime_columns( df=df) cols_to_drop = [] remove_these = None if len(cols_to_drop) > 0: for c in df: if c in cols_to_drop: if not remove_these: remove_these = [] remove_these.append(c) if remove_these: df = df.drop(columns=remove_these) return df
# end of fetch_dividends
[docs]def fetch_company( ticker=None, work_dict=None, scrub_mode='NO_SORT', verbose=False): """fetch_company Fetch the IEX company data for a ticker and return it as a ``pandas.DataFrame``. .. code-block:: python import analysis_engine.iex.fetch_api as iex_fetch comp_df = iex_fetch.fetch_company(ticker='SPY') print(comp_df) :param ticker: string ticker to fetch :param work_dict: dictionary of args used by the automation :param scrub_mode: optional - string type of scrubbing handler to run :param verbose: optional - bool to log for debugging """ label = None if work_dict: if not ticker: ticker = work_dict.get('ticker', None) label = work_dict.get('label', None) use_url = ( f'/stock/{ticker}/company') if verbose: f'{label} - comp - url={use_url} ' f'req={work_dict} ticker={ticker}') resp_json = iex_helpers.get_from_iex( url=use_url, token=iex_consts.IEX_TOKEN, verbose=verbose) df = pd.DataFrame([resp_json]) if verbose: f'{label} - comp - url={use_url} ' f'ticker={ticker} response ' f'df={df}') if len(df.index) == 0: return df iex_helpers.convert_datetime_columns( df=df) cols_to_drop = [] remove_these = None if len(cols_to_drop) > 0: for c in df: if c in cols_to_drop: if not remove_these: remove_these = [] remove_these.append(c) if remove_these: df = df.drop(columns=remove_these) return df
# end of fetch_company