Source code for analysis_engine.get_task_results

Get Task Results

Debug by setting the environment variable:


        export DEBUG_TASK=1


import analysis_engine.consts as ae_consts
import spylunking.log.setup_logging as log_utils

log = log_utils.build_colorized_logger(name=__name__)

[docs]def get_task_results( work_dict=None, result=None, **kwargs): """get_task_results If celery is disabled by the environment key ``export CELERY_DISABLED=1`` or requested in the ``work_dict['celery_disabled'] = True`` then return the task result dictionary, otherwise return ``None``. This method is useful for allowing tests to override the returned payloads during task chaining using ``@mock.patch``. :param work_dict: task work dictionary :param result: task result dictionary :param kwargs: keyword arguments """ send_results_back = None cel_disabled = False if work_dict: if ae_consts.is_celery_disabled( work_dict=work_dict): send_results_back = result cel_disabled = True # end of sending back results if told to do so if ae_consts.ev('DEBUG_TASK', '0') == '1': status = ae_consts.NOT_SET err = None record = None label = None if result: status = result.get( 'status', ae_consts.NOT_SET) err = result.get( 'err', None) record = result.get( 'rec', None) if work_dict: label = work_dict.get( 'label', None) log_id = 'get_task_results' if label: log_id = f'{label} - get_task_results' result_details = record if record: result_details = ae_consts.ppj(record) status_details = status if status: status_details = ae_consts.get_status(status=status) work_details = work_dict if work_dict: work_details = ae_consts.ppj(work_dict) if status == ae_consts.SUCCESS or not cel_disabled: f'{log_id} - celery_disabled={cel_disabled} ' f'status={status_details} err={err} work_dict={work_details} ' f'result={result_details}') else: log.error( f'{log_id} - celery_disabled={cel_disabled} ' f'status={status_details} err={err} work_dict={work_details} ' f'result={result_details}') # end of if debugging the task results return send_results_back
# end of get_task_results