Source code for analysis_engine.charts

Charting functions with matplotlib, numpy, pandas, and seaborn

Change the footnote with:


    export PLOT_FOOTNOTE="custom footnote on images"

.. note: most of these functions were ported from
         the repo:


import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import seaborn as sns
import analysis_engine.consts as ae_consts
import analysis_engine.build_result as build_result
import spylunking.log.setup_logging as log_utils

log = log_utils.build_colorized_logger(name=__name__)

[docs]def add_footnote( fig=None, xpos=0.90, ypos=0.01, text=None, color='#888888', fontsize=8): """add_footnote Add a footnote based off the environment key: ``PLOT_FOOTNOTE`` :param fig: add the footnote to this figure object :param xpos: x-axes position :param ypos: y-axis position :param text: text in the footnote :param color: font color :param fontsize: text size for the footnote text """ if not fig: return use_footnote = text if not use_footnote: use_footnote = ae_consts.ev( 'PLOT_FOOTNOTE', 'algotraders') fig.text( xpos, ypos, use_footnote, va='bottom', fontsize=fontsize, color=color)
# end of add_footnote
[docs]def set_common_seaborn_fonts(): """set_common_seaborn_fonts Set the font and text style """ sns.set(font='serif') sns.set_context( 'paper', rc={ 'font.size': 12, 'axes.titlesize': 12, 'axes.labelsize': 10 } )
# end of set_common_seaborn_fonts
[docs]def send_final_log( log_label, fn_name, result): """send_final_log :param log_label: log identifier :param fn_name: function name :param result: dictionary result """ if not fn_name: log.error( f'{log_label} missing fn_name parameter for send_final_log') return if not result: log.error( f'{log_label} missing result parameter for send_final_log') return str_result = ( f'{log_label} - {fn_name} - done ' f'status={ae_consts.get_status(result["status"])} ' f'err={result["err"]}') if result['status'] == ae_consts.ERR: log.error(str_result) else:
# handle log based off status # end of send_final_log
[docs]def show_with_entities( log_label, xlabel, ylabel, title, ax, fig, legend_list=None, show_plot=True): """show_with_entities Helper for showing a plot with a legend and a footnoe :param log_label: log identifier :param xlabel: x-axis label :param ylabel: y-axis label :param title: title of the plot :param ax: axes :param fig: figure :param legend_list: list of legend items to show :param show_plot: bool to show the plot """ log.debug( f'{log_label} - ' 'show_with_entities' ' - start') plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_title(title) if not legend_list: ax.legend( loc="best", prop={ "size": "medium" } ) else: ax.legend( legend_list, loc="best", prop={ "size": "medium" } ) # end of if/else legend entries add_footnote(fig) plt.tight_layout() if show_plot: else: plt.plot()
# end of show_with_entities
[docs]def plot_overlay_pricing_and_volume( log_label, ticker, df, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, high_color=ae_consts.PLOT_COLORS['high'], close_color=ae_consts.PLOT_COLORS['blue'], volume_color=ae_consts.PLOT_COLORS['green'], date_format=ae_consts.IEX_MINUTE_DATE_FORMAT, show_plot=True, dropna_for_all=True): """plot_overlay_pricing_and_volume Plot pricing (high, low, open, close) and volume as an overlay off the x-axis Here is a sample chart from the `Stock Analysis Jupyter Intro Notebook < goTraders/stock-analysis-engine/blob/master/co mpose/docker/notebooks/Stock-Analysis-Intro.ipynb>`__ .. image:: :param log_label: log identifier :param ticker: ticker name :param df: timeseries ``pandas.DateFrame`` :param xlabel: x-axis label :param ylabel: y-axis label :param high_color: optional - high plot color :param close_color: optional - close plot color :param volume_color: optional - volume color :param data_format: optional - date format string this must be a valid value for the ``df['date']`` column that would work with: ``datetime.datetime.stftime(date_format)`` :param show_plot: optional - bool to show the plot :param dropna_for_all: optional - bool to toggle keep None's in the plot ``df`` (default is drop them for display purposes) """ rec = { 'fig': None, 'ax': None, 'ax2': None } result = build_result.build_result( status=ae_consts.NOT_RUN, err=None, rec=rec) try: f'{log_label} - ' 'plot_overlay_pricing_and_volume' ' - start') set_common_seaborn_fonts() use_df = df if dropna_for_all: f'{log_label} - ' 'plot_overlay_pricing_and_volume' ' - dropna_for_all') use_df = df.dropna(axis=0, how='any') # end of pre-plot dataframe scrubbing fig, ax = plt.subplots( sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(15.0, 10.0)) ax.plot( use_df['date'], use_df['close'], color=close_color) ax.plot( use_df['date'], use_df['high'], color=high_color) # use a second axis to display the # volume since it is in a different range # this will fill under the # volume's y values as well ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.plot( use_df['date'], use_df['volume'], linestyle='-', color=volume_color, alpha=0.6) ax2.fill_between( use_df['date'].values, 0, use_df['volume'].values, color=volume_color, alpha=0.5) # setup the second plot for volume ax2.set_ylim([0, ax2.get_ylim()[1] * 3]) plt.grid(True) use_xlabel = xlabel use_ylabel = ylabel if not use_xlabel: xlabel = 'Minute Dates' if not use_ylabel: ylabel = f'{ticker} High and Close Prices' plt.xlabel(use_xlabel) plt.ylabel(use_ylabel) # Build a date vs Close DataFrame start_date = '' end_date = '' try: start_date = str(use_df.iloc[0]['date'].strftime(date_format)) end_date = str(use_df.iloc[-1]['date'].strftime(date_format)) except Exception: date_format = '%Y-%m-%d' start_date = str(use_df.iloc[0]['date'].strftime(date_format)) end_date = str(use_df.iloc[-1]['date'].strftime(date_format)) use_title = ( f'{ticker} Pricing from: {start_date} to {end_date}') ax.set_title(use_title) # Merge in the second axis (volume) Legend handles, labels = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels() newLabels, newHandles = [], [] for handle, label in zip(handles, labels): if label not in newLabels: newLabels.append(label) newHandles.append(handle) lines = ax.get_lines() + ax2.get_lines() + newHandles ax.legend( lines, [l.get_label() for l in lines], loc='best', shadow=True) # Build out the xtick chart by the dates ax.xaxis.grid(True, which='minor') ax.fmt_xdata = mdates.DateFormatter(date_format) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ax.fmt_xdata) ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(ax.fmt_xdata) # turn off the grids on volume ax2.fmt_xdata = mdates.DateFormatter(date_format) ax2.xaxis.grid(False) ax2.yaxis.grid(False) ax2.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) fig.autofmt_xdate() show_with_entities( log_label=log_label, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, title=use_title, ax=ax, fig=fig, show_plot=show_plot) rec['fig'] = fig rec['ax'] = ax rec['ax2'] = ax2 result = build_result.build_result( status=ae_consts.SUCCESS, err=None, rec=rec) except Exception as e: err = ( 'failed plot_overlay_pricing_and_volume ' f'and volume with ex={e}') result = build_result.build_result( status=ae_consts.ERR, err=err, rec=rec) # end of try/ex send_final_log( log_label=log_label, fn_name='plot_overlay_pricing_and_volume', result=result) return result
# end of plot_overlay_pricing_and_volume
[docs]def plot_hloc_pricing( log_label, ticker, df, title, show_plot=True, dropna_for_all=True): """plot_hloc_pricing Plot the high, low, open and close columns together on a chart :param log_label: log identifier :param ticker: ticker :param df: initialized ``pandas.DataFrame`` :param title: title for the chart :param show_plot: bool to show the plot :param dropna_for_all: optional - bool to toggle keep None's in the plot ``df`` (default is drop them for display purposes) """ rec = { 'ax': None, 'fig': None } result = build_result.build_result( status=ae_consts.NOT_RUN, err=None, rec=rec) try: f'{log_label} - ' 'plot_hloc_pricing' ' - start') set_common_seaborn_fonts() fig, ax = plt.subplots( figsize=(15.0, 10.0)) use_df = df if dropna_for_all: f'{log_label} - ' 'plot_hloc_pricing' ' - dropna_for_all') use_df = df.dropna(axis=0, how='any') # end of pre-plot dataframe scrubbing plt.plot( use_df['date'], use_df['high'], label='High', color=ae_consts.PLOT_COLORS['high'], alpha=0.4) plt.plot( use_df['date'], use_df['low'], label='Low', color=ae_consts.PLOT_COLORS['low'], alpha=0.4) plt.plot( use_df['date'], use_df['close'], label='Close', color=ae_consts.PLOT_COLORS['close'], alpha=0.4) plt.plot( use_df['date'], use_df['open'], label='Open', color=ae_consts.PLOT_COLORS['open'], alpha=0.4) xlabel = 'Dates' ylabel = 'Prices' plt.grid(True) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) # Build a date vs Close DataFrame start_date = str(use_df.iloc[0]['date'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) end_date = str(use_df.iloc[-1]['date'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) if not title: title = ( f'{ticker} Pricing from: {start_date} to {end_date}') ax.set_title(title) # Build out the xtick chart by the dates ax.xaxis.grid(True, which='minor') legend_list = [ 'high', 'low', 'close', 'open' ] fig.autofmt_xdate() show_with_entities( log_label=log_label, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, title=title, ax=ax, fig=fig, legend_list=legend_list, show_plot=show_plot) rec['ax'] = ax rec['fig'] = fig result = build_result.build_result( status=ae_consts.SUCCESS, err=None, rec=rec) except Exception as e: err = ( f'failed plot_hloc_pricing with ex={e}') log.error(err) result = build_result.build_result( status=ae_consts.ERR, err=err, rec=rec) # end of try/ex send_final_log( log_label=log_label, fn_name='plot_hloc_pricing', result=result) return result
# end of plot_hloc_pricing
[docs]def plot_df( log_label, title, column_list, df, xcol='date', xlabel='Date', ylabel='Pricing', linestyle='-', color='blue', show_plot=True, dropna_for_all=True): """plot_df :param log_label: log identifier :param title: title of the plot :param column_list: list of columns in the df to show :param df: initialized ``pandas.DataFrame`` :param xcol: x-axis column in the initialized ``pandas.DataFrame`` :param xlabel: x-axis label :param ylabel: y-axis label :param linestyle: style of the plot line :param color: color to use :param show_plot: bool to show the plot :param dropna_for_all: optional - bool to toggle keep None's in the plot ``df`` (default is drop them for display purposes) """ rec = { 'ax': None, 'fig': None } result = build_result.build_result( status=ae_consts.NOT_RUN, err=None, rec=rec) try: f'{log_label} - ' 'plot_df' ' - start') use_df = df if dropna_for_all: f'{log_label} - ' 'plot_df' ' - dropna_for_all') use_df = df.dropna(axis=0, how='any') # end of pre-plot dataframe scrubbing set_common_seaborn_fonts() hex_color = ae_consts.PLOT_COLORS['blue'] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15.0, 10.0)) if linestyle == '-': use_df[column_list].plot( x=xcol, linestyle=linestyle, ax=ax, color=hex_color, rot=0) else: use_df[column_list].plot( kind='bar', x=xcol, ax=ax, color=hex_color, rot=0) if 'date' in str(xcol).lower(): # plot the column min_date = use_df.iloc[0][xcol] max_date = use_df.iloc[-1][xcol] # give a bit of space at each end of the plot - aesthetics span = max_date - min_date extra = int(span.days * 0.03) * datetime.timedelta(days=1) ax.set_xlim([min_date - extra, max_date + extra]) # format the x tick marks ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%b\n%Y')) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator()) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator( mdates.MonthLocator( bymonthday=1, interval=1)) # grid, legend and yLabel ax.xaxis.grid(True, which='minor') # end of date formatting show_with_entities( log_label=log_label, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, title=title, ax=ax, fig=fig, show_plot=show_plot) rec['ax'] = ax rec['fig'] = fig result = build_result.build_result( status=ae_consts.SUCCESS, err=None, rec=rec) except Exception as e: err = ( f'failed plot_df title={title} with ex={e}') result = build_result.build_result( status=ae_consts.ERR, err=err, rec=rec) # end of try/ex send_final_log( log_label=log_label, fn_name='plot_df', result=result) return result
# end of plot_df
[docs]def dist_plot( log_label, df, width=10.0, height=10.0, title='Distribution Plot', style='default', xlabel='', ylabel='', show_plot=True, dropna_for_all=True): """dist_plot Show a distribution plot for the passed in dataframe: ``df`` :param log_label: log identifier :param df: initialized ``pandas.DataFrame`` :param width: width of figure :param height: height of figure :param style: style to use :param xlabel: x-axis label :param ylabel: y-axis label :param show_plot: bool to show plot or not :param dropna_for_all: optional - bool to toggle keep None's in the plot ``df`` (default is drop them for display purposes) """ rec = {} result = build_result.build_result( status=ae_consts.NOT_RUN, err=None, rec=rec) try: f'{log_label} - ' 'dist_plot' ' - start') set_common_seaborn_fonts() fig, ax = plt.subplots( figsize=(width, height)) if style == 'default': sns.set_context('poster') sns.axes_style('darkgrid') use_df = df if dropna_for_all: f'{log_label} - ' 'dist_plot' ' - dropna_for_all') use_df = df.dropna(axis=0, how='any') # end of pre-plot dataframe scrubbing sns.distplot( use_df, color=ae_consts.PLOT_COLORS['blue'], ax=ax) if xlabel != '': ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel != '': ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.9) fig.suptitle(title) show_with_entities( log_label=log_label, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, title=title, ax=ax, fig=fig, show_plot=show_plot) rec['ax'] = ax rec['fig'] = fig result = build_result.build_result( status=ae_consts.SUCCESS, err=None, rec=rec) except Exception as e: err = ( f'failed dist_plot title={title} with ex={e}') log.error(err) result = build_result.build_result( status=ae_consts.ERR, err=err, rec=rec) # end of try/ex send_final_log( log_label=log_label, fn_name='dist_plot', result=result) return result
# end of dist_plot