Source code for analysis_engine.build_trade_history_entry

Helper for building an algorithm trading and performance history
as a dictionary that can be reviewed during or after an
algorithm finishes running

import analysis_engine.consts as ae_consts
import spylunking.log.setup_logging as log_utils

log = log_utils.build_colorized_logger(name=__name__)

[docs]def build_trade_history_entry( ticker, num_owned, close, balance, commission, date, trade_type, algo_start_price, original_balance, minute=None, high=None, low=None, open_val=None, volume=None, ask=None, bid=None, today_high=None, today_low=None, today_open_val=None, today_close=None, today_volume=None, stop_loss=None, trailing_stop_loss=None, buy_hold_units=None, sell_hold_units=None, spread_exp_date=None, spread_id=None, low_strike=None, low_bid=None, low_ask=None, low_volume=None, low_open_int=None, low_delta=None, low_gamma=None, low_theta=None, low_vega=None, low_rho=None, low_impl_vol=None, low_intrinsic=None, low_extrinsic=None, low_theo_price=None, low_theo_volatility=None, low_max_covered=None, low_exp_date=None, high_strike=None, high_bid=None, high_ask=None, high_volume=None, high_open_int=None, high_delta=None, high_gamma=None, high_theta=None, high_vega=None, high_rho=None, high_impl_vol=None, high_intrinsic=None, high_extrinsic=None, high_theo_price=None, high_theo_volatility=None, high_max_covered=None, high_exp_date=None, prev_balance=None, prev_num_owned=None, total_buys=None, total_sells=None, buy_triggered=None, buy_strength=None, buy_risk=None, sell_triggered=None, sell_strength=None, sell_risk=None, num_indicators_buy=None, num_indicators_sell=None, min_buy_indicators=None, min_sell_indicators=None, net_gain=None, net_value=None, ds_id=None, note=None, err=None, entry_spread_dict=None, version=1, verbose=False): """build_trade_history_entry Build a dictionary for tracking an algorithm profitability per ticker and for ``TRADE_SHARES``, ``TRADE_VERTICAL_BULL_SPREAD``, or ``TRADE_VERTICAL_BEAR_SPREAD`` trading types. .. note:: setting the ``minute`` is required to build a minute-by-minute ``Trading History`` :param ticker: string ticker or symbol :param num_owned: integer current owned number of ``shares`` for this asset or number of currently owned ``contracts`` for an options spread. :param close: float ``close`` price of the underlying asset :param balance: float amount of available capital :param commission: float for commission costs :param date: string trade date for that row usually ``COMMON_DATE_FORMAT`` (``YYYY-MM-DD``) :param minute: optional - string for recording the minute the trade was place, and the format is ``COMMON_TICK_DATE_FORMAT`` (``YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS``) this is optional if the algorithm is set up to trade using a ``day`` value for timeseries. :param trade_type: type of the trade - supported values: ``TRADE_SHARES``, ``TRADE_VERTICAL_BULL_SPREAD``, ``TRADE_VERTICAL_BEAR_SPREAD`` :param algo_start_price: float starting close/contract price for this algo :param original_balance: float starting original account balance for this algo :param high: optional - float underlying stock asset ``high`` price :param low: optional - float underlying stock asset ``low`` price :param open_val: optional - float underlying stock asset ``open`` price :param volume: optional - integer underlying stock asset ``volume`` :param ask: optional - float ``ask`` price of the stock (for buying ``shares``) :param bid: optional - float ``bid`` price of the stock (for selling ``shares``) :param today_high: optional - float ``high`` from the daily dataset (if available) :param today_low: optional - float ``low`` from the daily dataset (if available) :param today_open_val: optional - float ``open`` from the daily dataset (if available) :param today_close: optional - float ``close`` from the daily dataset (if available) :param today_volume: optional - float ``volume`` from the daily dataset (if available) :param stop_loss: optional - float ``stop_loss`` price of the stock/spread (for selling ``shares`` vs ``contracts``) :param trailing_stop_loss: optional - float ``trailing_stop_loss`` price of the stock/spread (for selling ``shares`` vs ``contracts``) :param buy_hold_units: optional - number of units to hold buys - helps with algorithm tuning :param sell_hold_units: optional - number of units to hold sells - helps with algorithm tuning :param spread_exp_date: optional - string spread contract expiration date (``COMMON_DATE_FORMAT`` (``YYYY-MM-DD``) :param spread_id: optional - spread identifier for reviewing spread performances :param low_strike: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``low leg strike price`` of the spread :param low_bid: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``low leg bid`` of the spread :param low_ask: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``low leg ask`` of the spread :param low_volume: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``low leg volume`` of the spread :param low_open_int: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``low leg open interest`` of the spread :param low_delta: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``low leg delta`` of the spread :param low_gamma: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``low leg gamma`` of the spread :param low_theta: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``low leg theta`` of the spread :param low_vega: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``low leg vega`` of the spread :param low_rho: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``low leg rho`` of the spread :param low_impl_vol: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``low leg implied volatility`` of the spread :param low_intrinsic: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``low leg intrinsic`` of the spread :param low_extrinsic: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``low leg extrinsic`` of the spread :param low_theo_price: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``low leg theoretical price`` of the spread :param low_theo_volatility: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``low leg theoretical volatility`` of the spread :param low_max_covered: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``low leg max covered returns`` of the spread :param low_exp_date: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``low leg expiration date`` of the spread :param high_strike: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``high leg strike price`` of the spread :param high_bid: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``high leg bid`` of the spread :param high_ask: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``high leg ask`` of the spread :param high_volume: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``high leg volume`` of the spread :param high_open_int: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``high leg open interest`` of the spread :param high_delta: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``high leg delta`` of the spread :param high_gamma: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``high leg gamma`` of the spread :param high_theta: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``high leg theta`` of the spread :param high_vega: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``high leg vega`` of the spread :param high_rho: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``high leg rho`` of the spread :param high_impl_vol: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``high leg implied volatility`` of the spread :param high_intrinsic: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``high leg intrinsic`` of the spread :param high_extrinsic: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``high leg extrinsic`` of the spread :param high_theo_price: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``high leg theoretical price`` of the spread :param high_theo_volatility: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``high leg theoretical volatility`` of the spread :param high_max_covered: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``high leg max covered returns`` of the spread :param high_exp_date: optional - only for vertical bull/bear trade types ``high leg expiration date`` of the spread :param prev_balance: optional - previous balance for this algo :param prev_num_owned: optional - previous num of ``shares`` or ``contracts`` :param total_buys: optional - total buy orders for this algo :param total_sells: optional - total sell orders for this algo :param buy_triggered: optional - bool ``buy`` conditions in the algorithm triggered :param buy_strength: optional - float custom strength/confidence rating for tuning algorithm performance for desirable sensitivity and specificity :param buy_risk: optional - float custom risk rating for tuning algorithm peformance for avoiding custom risk for buy conditions :param sell_triggered: optional - bool ``sell`` conditions in the algorithm triggered :param sell_strength: optional - float custom strength/confidence rating for tuning algorithm performance for desirable sensitivity and specificity :param sell_risk: optional - float custom risk rating for tuning algorithm peformance for avoiding custom risk for buy conditions :param num_indicators_buy: optional - integer number of indicators the ``IndicatorProcessor`` processed and said to ``buy`` an asset :param num_indicators_sell: optional - integer number of indicators the ``IndicatorProcessor`` processed and said to ``sell`` an asset :param min_buy_indicators: optional - integer minimum number of indicators required to trigger a ``buy`` order :param min_sell_indicators: optional - integer minimum number of indicators required to trigger a ``sell`` order net_gain=None, net_value=None, :param net_value: optional - float total value the algorithm has left remaining since starting trading. this includes the number of ``self.num_owned`` shares with the ``self.latest_close`` price included :param net_gain: optional - float amount the algorithm has made since starting including owned shares with the ``self.latest_close`` price included :param ds_id: optional - datset id for debugging :param note: optional - string for tracking high level testing notes on algorithm indicator ratings and internal message passing during an algorithms's ``self.process`` method :param err: optional - string for tracking errors :param entry_spread_dict: optional - on exit spreads the calculation of net gain can use the entry spread to determine specific performance metrics (work in progress) :param version: optional - version tracking order history :param verbose: optional - bool log each history node (default is ``False``) """ status = ae_consts.NOT_RUN algo_status = ae_consts.NOT_RUN err = None balance_net_gain = 0.0 breakeven_price = None max_profit = None # only for option spreads max_loss = None # only for option spreads exp_date = None # only for option spreads # latest price - start price of the algo price_change_since_start = close - algo_start_price if close: if close < 0.01: status = ae_consts.INVALID history_dict = { 'ticker': ticker, 'algo_start_price': ae_consts.to_f(algo_start_price), 'algo_price_change': ae_consts.to_f(price_change_since_start), 'original_balance': ae_consts.to_f(original_balance), 'status': status, 'algo_status': algo_status, 'buy_now': buy_triggered, 'buy_strength': buy_strength, 'buy_risk': buy_risk, 'sell_now': sell_triggered, 'sell_strength': sell_strength, 'sell_risk': sell_risk, 'num_indicators_buy': num_indicators_buy, 'num_indicators_sell': num_indicators_sell, 'min_buy_indicators': min_buy_indicators, 'min_sell_indicators': min_sell_indicators, 'ds_id': ds_id, 'num_owned': num_owned, 'close': ae_consts.to_f(close), 'balance': ae_consts.to_f(balance), 'commission': ae_consts.to_f(commission), 'date': date, 'minute': minute, 'trade_type': trade_type, 'high': ae_consts.to_f(high), 'low': ae_consts.to_f(low), 'open': ae_consts.to_f(open_val), 'volume': volume, 'ask': ae_consts.to_f(ask), 'bid': ae_consts.to_f(bid), 'today_high': ae_consts.to_f(today_high), 'today_low': ae_consts.to_f(today_low), 'today_open_val': ae_consts.to_f(today_open_val), 'today_close': ae_consts.to_f(today_close), 'today_volume': ae_consts.to_f(today_volume), 'stop_loss': ae_consts.to_f(stop_loss), 'trailing_stop_loss': ae_consts.to_f(trailing_stop_loss), 'buy_hold_units': buy_hold_units, 'sell_hold_units': sell_hold_units, 'low_strike': low_strike, 'low_bid': ae_consts.to_f(low_bid), 'low_ask': ae_consts.to_f(low_ask), 'low_volume': low_volume, 'low_open_int': low_open_int, 'low_delta': low_delta, 'low_gamma': low_gamma, 'low_theta': low_theta, 'low_vega': low_vega, 'low_rho': low_rho, 'low_impl_vol': low_impl_vol, 'low_intrinsic': low_intrinsic, 'low_extrinsic': low_extrinsic, 'low_theo_price': low_theo_price, 'low_theo_volatility': low_theo_volatility, 'low_max_covered': low_max_covered, 'low_exp_date': low_exp_date, 'high_strike': high_strike, 'high_bid': ae_consts.to_f(high_bid), 'high_ask': ae_consts.to_f(high_ask), 'high_volume': high_volume, 'high_open_int': high_open_int, 'high_delta': high_delta, 'high_gamma': high_gamma, 'high_theta': high_theta, 'high_vega': high_vega, 'high_rho': high_rho, 'high_impl_vol': high_impl_vol, 'high_intrinsic': high_intrinsic, 'high_extrinsic': high_extrinsic, 'high_theo_price': high_theo_price, 'high_theo_volatility': high_theo_volatility, 'high_max_covered': high_max_covered, 'high_exp_date': high_exp_date, 'spread_id': spread_id, 'net_gain': net_gain, 'net_value': net_value, 'breakeven_price': breakeven_price, 'max_profit': ae_consts.to_f(max_profit), 'max_loss': ae_consts.to_f(max_loss), 'exp_date': exp_date, 'prev_balance': ae_consts.to_f(prev_balance), 'prev_num_owned': ae_consts.to_f(prev_num_owned), 'total_buys': total_buys, 'total_sells': total_sells, 'note': note, 'err': err, 'version': version } # evaluate if the algorithm is gaining # cash over the test if balance and original_balance: # net change on the balance # note this needs to be upgraded to # support orders per ticker # single tickers will work for v1 balance_net_gain = balance - original_balance if balance_net_gain > 0.0: algo_status = ae_consts.ALGO_PROFITABLE else: algo_status = ae_consts.ALGO_NOT_PROFITABLE else: history_dict['err'] = ( f'{ticker} ds_id={ds_id} missing balance={balance} and ' f'original_balance={original_balance}') algo_status = ae_consts.ALGO_ERROR # if starting balance and original_balance exist # to determine algorithm trade profitability # if there are no shares to sell then # there's no current trade open if num_owned and num_owned < 1: status = ae_consts.TRADE_NO_SHARES_TO_SELL else: if close < 0.01: history_dict['err'] = ( f'{ticker} ds_id={ds_id} close={close} must be greater ' f'than 0.01') status = ae_consts.TRADE_ERROR elif algo_start_price < 0.01: history_dict['err'] = ( f'{ticker} ds_id={ds_id} ' f'algo_start_price={algo_start_price} must be greater ' f'than 0.01') status = ae_consts.TRADE_ERROR else: price_net_gain = close - algo_start_price if price_net_gain > 0.0: status = ae_consts.TRADE_PROFITABLE else: status = ae_consts.TRADE_NOT_PROFITABLE # if starting price when algo started and close exist # determine if this trade profitability # Assign calculated values: history_dict['net_gain'] = net_gain history_dict['balance_net_gain'] = balance_net_gain history_dict['breakeven_price'] = breakeven_price history_dict['max_profit'] = max_profit history_dict['max_loss'] = max_loss history_dict['exp_date'] = exp_date # assign statuses history_dict['status'] = status history_dict['algo_status'] = algo_status use_date = minute if not use_date: use_date = date if verbose: log.debug( f'{ticker} ds_id={ds_id} {use_date} ' f'algo={ae_consts.get_status(status=history_dict["algo_status"])} ' f'trade={ae_consts.get_status(status=history_dict["status"])} ' f'history={ae_consts.ppj(history_dict)}') return history_dict
# end of build_trade_history_entry